Draw Procedure
New Mexico Big Game Information
For the 2025-2026 hunting season draw deadline dates for Elk,Deer,Pronghorn Antelope,Oryx, Ibex,Javelina and Bighorn Sheep is March 19, 2025 at 5 PM mountain time. Notification of success is available April 23th 2025 on line or by phone. All Applications Will Be Done Paperless Either On-line Or By Phone or in person at game asnd fish locations . All Applicants Must Have There CIN Number And Game And Fish Account .Also Make sure Your outfitter Did His Renewals By The deadline Date to Be able to get You In the Outfitters Pool Late Registration will Not Ensure Your Application To Be in The 10% Outfitters Pool ,only legal registered outfitters can use the outfitters pool.Full Payment Of License Are Required Credit Card, Debit Cards Only.All applicants wanting to be in the outfitters pool to increase your odds in the drawing must have a signed contract with the outfitter prior to being put into the draw and with the outfitter they are going to hunt with prior to submitting there application STC OUTFITTING does all your paperwork to ensure it is all done correct and in on time at no charge. All non resident and resident hunters must purchase a non game hunting license non resident fee for it is $65.00 and a hmas stamp $4.00 to be eligible for the draw hunt public or private land. and also required to be able to purchase licensce on landowner tags if unsuccessful that fee will be not be refunded. If sucessful the habitat stamp must be purchased for $10.00 to complete your license.
***** muzzleloader info since 2023 YEAR AND MANDATORY HUNTING SURVEY INFORMATION******
Deadline for harvest reports elk deer antelope and turkey license holders from previous license year is February 15, 2024. If this is not done you will not be eligible to put in for any public draw or private land hunt without paying the late fee . If processed after them dates a late fee must be paid .This same process apply to furbearer hunters and trappers, barbary, ibex, java lena and oryx there deadline is April 7, 2025 if not done your application will be rejected in the draw process. You may do this by calling NMDG&F at (888)248-6866 for further info and you may also report on there web sight at www.wildlife.state.nm.us and log into your account. If this is not done, it will jeopardize your draw status for the 2024-2025 hunting season and your draw application for any hunt will be rejected until you are current with your surveys. STC Outfitting is happy to assist you with any questions you have.
Must have there Card from the state of NEW MEXICO prior to submitting your application for the draw for the year desired STC OUTFITTING can assist you with the process if you need help .For additional info or for the physician forms you must have completed you may call NMG&F at (505) 476-8087 or go to there web sight at www.wildlife.state.nm.us MOBILITY IMPAIRED HUNTERS MAY USE A CROSS BOW ON BOW HUNTS or other hunts as a lesser weaspon if you choose to.
STC Outfitting is federal firearms licensed dealer and can help with most of your firearm needs, We also sell archery equipment, hunting supplies, camping supplies, gps equip, optics, and ammunition, and can get much more so if you have any special request please ask we may be able to assist you in your needs whether they are big or small. STC OUTFITTING is a bonded notary in the state of New Mexico and can assist you with all your notary needs. Photography /video packages are available for your hunt at an additional fee of $400.00 a day in field and around camp all photos and video of your stay will be provided to you. On disc or thumb drive. Lee-Ann (My wife) is very well up to date on the surrounding area attractions and local events besides being our cook and house host at camp so please feel free to e mail us at stcoutfitting@gmail.com or call or fax us at (575) 687-4006 Mobile phones (575) 430-1682 (575) 430-2116 with any Questions you may have.
STC OUTFITTING is proud to be a licensed outfitter with NMG&F and in current good standing with all requirements with them and also hold the same status with the US forest, BLM, STATE, and WSMR and stand current with all permits and required insurances. We also are in good standing with all our great landowners which allow us to provide our clients with landowner tags whether they be unit wide or for private land hunting. We here at STC OUTFITTING will also Tailor your hunt to meet your needs whether it be a big or small request. We can customize all hunts to include less services or more on all our hunts if agreed prior to your hunt with the outfitter. This will vary your price so if you wish to lodge your self and feed yourself let us know we can accommodate that and give you a lower price hunt With their same great quality in the field. We will not cut guiding all hunts are full guided .We also will rent our lodge facility if it not in use or in the off season if we are not using it. Please call with any Questions you may have. We also have unit wide and private landowner tags available for purchase for Elk deer antelope to be able to guarantee your hunt so please ask if looking for any if we don't have them for the unit you are searching for we may be able to find them to put your hunt together.We at STC OUTFITTING can also guide All species of game Large and small. We at STC OUTFITTING also welcome non hunters at a $150.00 per day and airport pickup and drop off for $100.00 per person on this service .We also offer year around lodge rental, cold storage, pack out service, and caping and quarting of your game call for prices.We would like to thank you for letting us be your full service Resident outfitter for all your needs in New Mexico.
STC Outfitting Draw Procedure Deadline for all big game is March 20, 2024 for the 2024-2025 hunting seasons Seasons
Upon Completing all necessary contracts and selecting your hunt dates and options please enclose a deposit to STC Outfitting in the amount of $500.00 if it is for a draw hunt.If you wish us to hold you a landowner tag to guarantee your hunt if unsuccessful in the draw enclose $2500.00 Deposit to STC Outfitting (landowner tags are limited so confirm availability with outfitter) Also a credit card is better for your full licence amount so we can use it for your licence fees. New Mexico Game and Fish require a purchase of a $65.00 game license fee to be paid at time of application to qualify you for the draw and a $4.00 HMAS STAMP fee to be eligable for the draw it is non refundable. If you are successful in the draw 50% of balance is due at that time, with the remainder due 60 days prior to your hunt.Once drawn deposit and license fees are non refundable The $5.00 Habitat Stamp Fee will be added after the draw. If you are not drawn and do not want a landowner tag (guaranteed hunt) STC Outfitting will refund your deposit or roll to the next year or put it toward other services you must roll deposits year to year if you wish to be eligable for our guarantee draw tag we do yearly for our clients ASK FOR DETAILS FOR THAT PROGRAM. License fees minus the $65.00 fee and $4.00 HMAS Fee that the state keeps. This refund will be returned within 90 days after request or if you wish to guarantee STC Outfittings hunt price for the next year. OR particpate in our new incentive program starting ASK FOR DETAILS TO DRAW A GUARANTEED HUNT. Or we can transfer to other hunts that are available for that year public or private to hold prices for next year you must leave your deposit with us.. Please call with any questions you may have we are more than happy to assist you in any way during this process. STC Outfitting does not charge for assisting you with the draw to hunt with us , A signed contract must be in our possession prior to putting you in for the draw in order to get you in the outfitters pool .We look forward to assisting you with any questions you may have. Refunds of hunts after drawn or commited on contract for guaranteed hunts are non refundable unless arrangements made with streve connor the owner.